يشعر جاد وتالا بالملل من ألعابهما. تخبّئ ماما الألعاب حتّى يشتاقا إليها فلا يتبقّى لديهما سوى الأوراق والألوان . ترى ماذا سيحصل عندما يأتي صديقهما جلال للّعب معهما؟ وهل سيتحوّل الملل إلى متعة ومرح؟
Jad and Tala are bored and don’t know what to do. When their mother suggests they play with their toys they refuse to say their toys are old and they are bored of them. To their horror, their mother confiscates their toys and now they only have papers and colors available to share with their friend Jalal when he comes to visit. Will they be able to have fun with just papers and colors to play with?
More Jad and Tala Books Here
Boring Break / ملل في العطلة
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